Thursday, January 07, 2010

Happy New Year...Hopefully?

Yay, a new year! Hopefully it won't suck like it did last year for fish tank stuff.

So, after the bulb incident, I lost three fish, the midas blenny, 6 year old scopas tang and 2 year old powder blue tang . I think the fish losses hit me the worst, corals are easily replaced, for the most part but fish are so individual. You can replace them but its just not the same.

I've since installed glass on one of the reflectors however, due to the placement of the sea swirl on the right side, its pretty much right under and almost inside the reflector so I can't put glass in. I find this ironic, perhaps in an Alanis Morissette way

Um what else, oh of course before the bulb thing happened I had ordered two fish from the LFS, a peppermint hogfish and a tailspot wrasse. They arrived about a week after the bulb incident. The wrasse arrived DOA but I brought home the hogfish and a new powder blue tang. My candy hogfish (which isn't supposed to be aggressive and is supposed to get along swimmingly with everyone else) immediately took offense and the peppermint lived behind my wavebox for a time before the candy sent him into the overflow where he seemed fine until I found him dead on the third day. Awesome...NOT! Sometimes I marvel how I waste money on this hobby, in hindsight that could have been a tunze part!

The powder blue has icked up, as expected but is eating even though he's a still a bit skittish. My last one took about 2 weeks to settle in. I'm kind of hoping that while he's still settling in I can get a powder brown in there too, not sure whether I want to risk it or not but apparently if you add them at the same time (or close to) they're ok together.

A week ago, I finally figured out how to "fix" the wavebox. I just stole the driver from a "6100" I had. I didn't realize that when the driver box comes apart, the pump has a plug that goes into a circuit board inside. I figured it would be all wires and junk. I can do plugs, just not wiring. I'm happy that its working again, for how long, who knows? I'm sure parts are easy to come by but my wallet is spent so it will be some time before I can get the other wavebox and the 6100/6000 working (so story on the 6100, they sell the 6000 with the 6100 powerhead and a less powerful transformer so those not in the know sell the 6000 as the 6100 because it says so on the back of the powerhead, not knowing that the output is half of what the 6100 is. So the lesson is, if you're buying a used 6100, ask them for the electrical info on the transformer so you don't get ripped off. Apparently you can "upgrade" the transformer to the more powerful one for about $100 but if you've already sunk that into the purchase price of the pump, its a bit more painful).

Anyway, now I'm looking into getting another driver and the transformer upgrade so i can run the "6100" as well I need to get a new power supply for the newer wavebox and I can run both waveboxes in the new tank or sell one. I'm thinking selling one is probably a smarter idea but when have I ever been smart? :P

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