Frag mania! So I had purchased some frags way back when. I was running out of room and a friend kept them for me while I was all "oh I'm going to get the big tank running soon" (which I've come to terms with, more on that later) anyhoo, 6 months later, tank crash etc. I have room! :P Plus I was feeling guilty that she had this fugly frag rack full of my stuff, smack dab in the middle of her tank, detracting from her gorgeous tank view. So yesterday I made the trek and got my stuff, I think I had about 9 frags or so of various corals I had ordered from CoralMaster all of which have grown like crazy. As well, my friend was nice enough to clip me several pieces from her collection, which is quite extensive and the most gorgeous colors!
So I took some pics and as usual I thought I was Annie Liebovitz but most of them look like arse. Here are the ones that turned out as well as a group shot :)Some of them I sort of know what they are, others I haven't a clue. Here they are!
Acropora striata

Acropora gemmifera

Acropora hairyensis (ok I have no idea but talk about hairy!)

I think this is an Acropora plana

Acropora rosaria

Acropora turaki

Dunno but it has gorgeous blue polyps

"Super grape" A. millepora

Acropora nana/valida
And heres the full frag rack! (2 pics so I could get closer in) :)

So somewhere in those two pics there is a yellow tenuis, highlighter milli, A. lovelli, A. loisettae and a A. vermiculata.
What fun! Of course I don't know where I'm putting them all but man, what a rush getting this much at once!
No idea but all that yellow you see is actually green!
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