The tank is doing well, I haven't really been doing much with it besides feeding and waterchanges. Even the waterchanges have been a bit slack lately. Now that summer is over, I need to get back on track. The tank has been doing pretty well without my attentions though, I'm wondering if I should mess with a good thing ;)
I sold my chiller. The new house has a concrete slab basement which is a cold as... well, lets just say its cold. Anyway, I'm actually having troubles keeping the tank at temperature, it seems to hover around 77 or so. Which is mostly fine, its the night temperatures I'm worried about. So far so good though. It hasn't really gotten cold enough to turn the house heat on but when it does that will also help out. Without the chiller, the mag 12 really hauls the water, I've had to do away with my stockman standpipe as it was slowing the flow. I'm too lazy to put a valve on the return line so the tank is a bit noisier than usual, its in the basement though so I don't have to hear it.
The dosing pump is doing a lovely job as usual. I was baking baking soda in the oven and using that but I was finding a lot of precipitate in the sump so I've given up on the baking part and am just adding baking soda to the tank. The pH is running a bit lower than usual (7.9, which is what it used to run with the calcium reactor) and I haven't seen any adverse effects.
Had the camera out tonight, on to the pics!

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