I went to a frag swap a few weeks ago and scored a few new pieces to fill in some of the holes. Some sort of yellow stag acro, bright pink birdsnest, couple mystery acros, a green digitata and a really nice piece of pink milli as well as a couple of "colony" sized pieces from one of the stores across the way that was having a killer sale.
My frag rack is back to being mostly full, or at least fuller than it was. The delicate acro on the left was part of a full colony that I bought about a month ago to see how the tank was doing. Evidently the tank wasn't doing well enough to handle that acro as thats all I have left of the original colony. Its doing really well though, and as usual, theres $50 invested in that 2" bit of coral. Sheesh. Most of the corals on the rack are survivors except for the pink birdsnest I got at the frag swap.

Frag swappage :)

A really cool photosynthetic gorgonian from the frag swap. I've never really been much for these guys, mostly because all I see around here is that corky finger stuff which doesn't really float my boat. This one is pretty cool though, and if it does well I might get a couple of other varieties now that I've found a source for it (fellow reefer).

I also got a new fish! I couldn't resist. I've been looking for a midas blenny for awhile now and they're so pricey around here. I managed to scoop one for a really good deal. He's adapted to tank live "swimmingly" and managing to get into the thick of it during feeding time. He was a bit skinny looking when I first got him but I'm managing to get him fattened up a bit.

I also took a few pics of the survivors. This one is an acro I bought ages ago. Its never done stunningly well in the tank and was fragged within a few inches of its life when it started to RTN about a year ago. its managed to come back and has 2 other corals on the plug. One I think is a piece of the pocilipora behind it and the other is a piece of purple rimmed cap that I lost in a montipora eating nudibranch debacle last year. Yay bonus corals! ;)

Acropora batunai from CoralMaster. I'm quite shocked this one survived as it was reported to be rather delicate and finicky. Its almost colored up to what it was before the tank had its various issues.

This poor tricolor. I thought for sure it was a goner as I watched it die from the base up. Apparently somewhere along the way it stopped dying and now the tips are starting to plate out over the dead bits. Weird.

Some of the most bright orange ricordea I've ever seen. I'm so glad these guys survived, they're pretty awesome in person.

Super poofy blasto.

Happiest I've seen this acan in months.

This is a tiny piece of the really large purple nana/valida that sat front and center in my tank. At one point it was starting to grow onto the next rock. I lost the colony but this little bit survived and has even grown in the past couple of months.

All in all, the tank is looking pretty good for the most part. Some slimy green algae covering a few rocks and that crappy reddish shag algae covering the back glass, not to mention the joy of majanos.

Hopefully if I'm diligent I can get rid of that via turkey basting and scraping the back glass. I even see a few spots of coralline back there, hopefully it does well and outcompetes the algae. I guess it didn't help that the skimmer wasn't working for the past week and a half while I was on holidays. Bloody thing had a clogged airline it turned out. I didn't get a chance to have a good look at it before I left and rather than burn the pump out or something I just turned it off. Hence all of the LPS looking so darned happy. Turned out the air volute had a bunch of zeolite fines jammed in it. Bloody stuff. Anyway, I cleaned that out and drilled out the volute a bit larger. Not much to really make a difference but enough to make me feel better and its up and running now ;)

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