So yesterday I finally did something I was dreading for months: catching the neon goby out of the overflow box. I must say, he's been happy as a clam in there for the past 6 months or so. There were a ton of copepods for him to snack on in there but the stock must have been getting low as he is looking a bit thin these days. Anyway, yesterday morning I took the light hood off (which is a job in itself), then I procrastinated some by cleaning the bulbs and the reflectors which had lots of salt spray on them from the stupid regal tang and his nightly after dinner splashing about. Anyway, I got all that cleaned up and then scraped some of the flaking paint off the inside of the hood. Every once in awhile I find a piece in the tank and its a PITA to fish it out. I also cleaned the fan in the back that was rather disgusting full of that really mungy dusty yuck.
Then I cleaned out the overflow, it was full of various colored algae, mostly hair and some weird bristly red stuff. I couldn't believe how much detritus there was in the bottom so I turkey basted that as well, its nice and clean now. Plus I put some gutterguard on the top to help shade the light.
Of course the eventuality of having to get the goby out there finally came to pass. I was quite surprised that it took less than 5minutes. I was all ready for an epic battle of wills and everything! How anti-climactic! Anyway, he's now a member of my little group again. I don't htink he's quite used to the light, or the other fish yet (its almost like another reacclimation) but he was eating with gusto last night. I'll probably target feed him for the first bit as he doesn't really get in there with everyone else but its nice to see his little face in the tank again :)
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