Sunday, July 22, 2007

So much for ozone being the shizzle. While I wholeheartedly agree, the darned thing wasn't even plugged into the system so its just been charging the sump area (not the sump water) with ozone. Haha. The tank is looking fantastic these days though. I strongly suspect just keeping up with water changes and new carbon has gotten it back on track. Cracked me up when I discovered it today though. I was pretty certain I had it all put together properly but either it came apart where the ozone enters the skimmer or it wasn't put together to begin with. most likely the latter with my luck :p

Well I've moved a few things around, filled a few holes and such. The tank was looking sort of "sparse" in some areas but as per the usual, I'm back to having it crammed full. WEll I've saved a couple spots for the more choice frags but for the most part, barring any more disasters, I think the tank will just grow for now.

One bonus about this whole heat thing is that it killed off that gunky brown algae I had growing on the back wall of the tank and on the rock. Most of the rock is nice and clean now except for a few spots of cyano here and there (a few dead spots of current in the tank but not much I can do but siphon it out), they're pretty small, a couple loonie sized patches so for athe most part I'm not too concerned about it. I do have a crapload of brown wafer algae growing all over the place though. Not really enough to tick me off but enough to make me concerned that at one point it might take over if I don't figure out what I can do about it. So far I've read that manual removal is the way to go in smaller tanks as I hav no room for a Naso tang in my tank.

So the new calcium reactor isn't quite as fab as I thought. It hasn't gotten any of my parameters back in check and my calcium actually dropped by about 25ppm. I guess its not designed to have the larger sized media in it, so I've gotten some Schuran "special grade" media. Its been quite the circus getting this stupid thing running so I hope this does the trick or it will be making a trip back to the store. Bloody thing. I should have just left well enough alone and fixed the issues with the original reactor I had. Oh well.

No pics cuz I'm too lazy :P

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