Saturday, February 18, 2012

February Update

A buddy of mine works at a LFS in town and got a Bellus angel on his list so last Saturday I was lucky enough to score the only one he got shipped in.  Of course I was ill prepared but he was nice enough to supply me with a 30 gallon QT tank and a CPR Bakpak skimmer (which IMO does nothing more than aerate the water, but since its an angelfish and they're sensitive to oxygen levels, I'll take it!). So my lonely little friend has been swimming about all by herself for the past week and has 5 more weeks to go. I almost feel I should get her a little friend but am not sure what kind of fish I would add and well, it would just add more ammonia to the tank anyways (which I have managed to keep in control with Amquel and waterchanges, thank goodness).

The display tank still looks like hell though, I'm having some problems with coral bleaching on a couple of corals, one just has a couple spots, the other its pretty much the whole thing. They're not bleached white but definitely lighter than they used to be. I find this odd as my bulbs are pretty old (over a year) so I guess that isn't the cause. I did have one of my heaters croak on me a few weeks ago, it was barely 2 years old while my 10year old Ebo-Jager is still working like a champ.  Turns out it was one of the recalled (unbenownst to me) Marineland Stealth 250W heaters. After scoping it out online, turns out they were recalled last year after killing a couple of peoples tanks via malfunctioning (not sure whether it was electrical or they overheated them). Anyhoo, I got some info from a few friends and turns out I may be able to get a refund on it and sent it back to Marineland. I already replaced it with another Eheim-Jager which after fiddling with I finally figured out.  Anyway, I was looking at my controller and there were a few dips in temperature, not too bad though, down to about 76.8-77F at night and then up to 79.9F during the day. I really don't think that's too wide of a swing but perhaps the corals didn't like the lower temps. Now I have it set for a much tighter swing and the tank doesn't go any lower than 78F at night.

Course, thats only two of the reasons I can think of off the top of my head.  Then there's the feeding the tank with frozen food that is quickly thawed with tank water and dumped in. God knows what the temperature of that water is, I would imagine at least 10F lower than the tank. Who knows how thrilled corals are about having that dumped on them (which I would imagine is the reason why their tips were receding and getting covered with cyano).  Now it seems there is some issue with Kent carbon cropping up in Canada and the US. My 5gal bucket of carbon is pretty old though so I can't imagine that is the problem. I've been working my way through it for at least a year and the LFS I had gotten it from had been sitting on it awhile.

Anyway, who knows whats causing it. Its not getting any worse at this point so I suppose it can only get better or stay the same. Either way I don't really care, the tip recession is pissing me off more and that has kind of come to a halt and will take time for the tissue to regrow (if it does).

Cyano is still rampant in the tank. I bought some ROX 0.8 carbon that is supposed to  cure cancer, make my hair more shiny and manageable as well as do my laundry. Hopefully it gets rid of cyanobacteria too! ;)  I must admit, the tank does look pretty crystal clear after running it for the past 24 hours or so. Then again, I changed the bulbs on the tank as well (I can never just do one thing at a time).  I finally got my Boxing Day Sale Ushios from OceanAquatics (yay!). I had ordered some 200 micron filter socks that ended up being backordered so I was waiting on them (didn't want to pay extra for the shipping). It worked out well because I ended up getting the Amquel with it. Stores around here only sell Hagen products so I would be definitely SOL for any kind of ammonia reducer and it would have been water change city for my Bellus (and salt is ridiculously pricey around here).

Ok so tank photos  :)

Feb 18, 2012

And another shot of "The Portal" magnifying coral viewer. I just love this thing!! 

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