Wednesday, February 09, 2011

February update

Whew! Its been awhile since I posted. This blog isn't the only thing that's been neglected. The tank is out of control in the way of majanos and aiptasia. I added a matted filefish a couple of weeks ago but he likes mysis more than pest anemones so I've ordered an aiptasia zapper from oceaniccorals so it should be here by the end of this week and I can go to town on the little buggers.  There are literally, fields of them on some rocks, like 20 or 30. Lucky I've only seen 2 rocks so far that are that bad. I took a couple rocks out last week and just doused them with sodium hydroxide, other rocks I manually removed them. Those rocks without nooks and crannies are pretty easy to remove them with a pair of forceps.

In other news, I lost my bellus angel. Stupidity on my part of course. I was selling a skimmer and the guy wanted to know how quiet it was so I turned off my return pump on the main tank to quieten things down. Afterwards I forgot to turn it back on until the next morning. Since it provides most of the aeration via surface agitation and I had the skimmer off for a chemi-clean treatment, the angel was the first to go from lowered oxygen. I was pretty choked about that and hopefully I don't pull any stupid moves like that in the future, granted that's not likely to happen as I usually only do these things once and learn my lesson but these days you never know.

I bought a set of 14K MH bulbs off of Ebay for $10 a bulb, should be interesting to see how they fire. I just put my new set of Ushios on there and they're lovely and white but I've always wanted to try out 14K bulbs, not really knowing what kind to get as every brand is different. I sort of just stumbled on the Ushios as it was and most of the higher kelvin bulbs have lower PAR. I've always stuck to those bulbs that have higher PAR but frankly, even when I was running Iwasaki bulbs (which have the highest PAR) I wasn't getting the lovely colors that I am now. Besides, at $10 a bulb I can replace them more often if they yellow up quickly.  Anyway all this talk and I still haven't tried them out, hopefully this weekend.

Other than that not much new, stuff is growing like weeds and there needs to be some serious pruning of a few corals. Lucky we have a frag swap coming up so I won't have to house them on my frag racks for too long. I'd love to get those racks out of the tank completely but I have a few tiny frags on them that need to grow out a bit before I mount them. Where I'm going to mount them is another matter...which is probably why they're going to be on the racks for some time ;)

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