Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year, New Bulbs! :)

Got me some new ushio halides! I can't believe the color temperature difference between the new and old bulbs. I usually run my bulbs for at least a year, these ones were about 2 months short of a year but the new ones are such a crisp white its really quite shocking.  Almost makes me want to replace my bulbs more often but that would be rather costly at $75 each.

The cyano has encamped on the rocks. I've done two chemi-clean treatments, it disappears for the most part for the length of the treatment and a week afterwards but then reappears in small patches. I discovered that the reason it was there to begin with was because the last batch of frozen mysis I bought wasn't rinsed like I normally do.  Call it lack of sleep. Anyway, I have rinsed the last of that batch and the new batch but it would seem that theres no turning back unless of course I do some sort of killer dose on the tank. I think I'll likely just stick to siphoning it out for the next while to give the tank a break. Three dosages in a month might be a bit much.

I meant to get some photos up, you know, the old year end photos but that didn't happen. Hopefully I'll have time to break out the camera tomorrow and at least get the photos onto the camera, then it will likely take awhile to get them off the camera and to here but you never know.  Stranger things have happened :)

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