Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sushi Under Glass....well Plastic

I brought the clams home at the beginning of last week hoping that the fish would just ignore them as they had for the previous 2 years. However that was not to be. Within 24 hours (actually less than that) the clams mantles were just looking ragged from all the nips. And they'd healed so nicely!!!!! There were also larger nips than before so I'm suspecting my regal tang and scopas. So what to do? Well I was going to take them to the LFS but I didn't think they'd even fare that well until I could get them there. Then I discovered that 4lbs of strawberries makes for more than just jam! ;)

Yep, they're still under there. That plastic can grow some nasty biofilm on it. Ten days and it needed a good cleaning as I could hardly see the clams anymore (on the surface anyways). The clams are having a good old time under there, loving that they can be open and happy without threat of becoming snackycakes for the fish. Even for the few minutes I had the cover off to clean it tonight the fish were in there like dirty shirts, cleaning off whatever goodies had grown. They look so innocent, diligent little cleaners. My scopas was practically losing it he was so excited, but as usual when I'm watching he's got his halo on.

Anyway, not sure what to do at this point. Its rather unsightly having that plastic cover in the tank. I really love my clams so I'm thinking that during the tgank move the scopas will have to go. I'm on the fence about the regal though, even though he's a total idiot I do like him. Maybe I'll try leaving the scopas in the sump for awhile and see how the regal does on his own, if it continues, well I guess I'll have some thinking to do.


chris said...

Good luck with the move. Maybe when you rearrange everything the fish will be more interested in their new home then the clams, but a move is the perfect time to get the fish out

ChrisPrusha said...

Wow, interesting solution!

Best of luck when you do move! Wish I was closer to help!!