Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy as a Clam

The clams are still living happily under their strawberry container. Although after I gave it a good cleaning it dind't last very long before building up another layer of crud on them. They look ok underneath though. I think I must have cut one of the "aeration" holes on the side too big though and one clam was too close, I notice its mantle is all ratty looking and it wasn't open very much. I've since repositioned him and all is well, he's happy as a clam. Well.. a clam that isn't getting nipped anyways :P

New things to report? Hmm, my aquatronica overdosed the tank on magnesium yet again. I can't remember if I mentioned that. It happened a couple of weeks ago and the tank is still pegged at 1500ppm..well, thats as high as the test kit goes anyway. I know its overdosed because my alkalinity is in the toilet. On the bright side I have growth up the ying yang which is totally awesome. Plus nothing has died, a side benefit ;) I'll have to put the doser through its paces and see wtf is going on that it doses extra mg yet the ca and alk are fine.

Colors in my tank are coming around. I started dosing my little bottle of zeo potassium-iodine-fluoride again as I was losing the blues. Sure enough, there they are. Crazy stuff, I never noticed the effect of low potassium before. Mind you, I guess I just didn't know it was potassium or that it was low and now that I know I can fix it..well, thats just neat-o! I'm wondering what other zeo junk I should start dosing again. The rest of the tank is doing pretty well actually except for that bloody green slimy bubbly algae which I think is the result of my home-job frag racks. For some reason that white eggcrate grows algae like nobody's business. Its all over the freaking tank now.

Guess maybe I should work on that alkalinity, maybe that will help keep it in check.

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