Saturday, May 23, 2009


So my wavebox kicked the bucket. Not sure what thats all about, one minute it was working, the next nada. I've got another one on the say, great timing on a used one and my birthday ;) I tried retrofitting my wavebox with a tunze 6100 but they are positively tiny compared to the 6260 wavebox pump and it looked kind of silly and really didn't get the job done. I've just got the 6100 running now, its pulsing some but its not the same. Hopefully the new wavebox will be here soon.

Hmm what else, oh my frag rack is growing the brightest lime green slimy bubbly algae. Its really quite disguting yet a lovely color at the same time. I think all around I'd rather not hage it there. Plus it floats so every time I turkey baste it off of there it just floats around the surface of the water . Gross.

The dosing pump is still working out very well. The little coralline dots that I can see aren't getting any bigger but there is a lot of coralline below the rock line. I guess it just isn't partial to bright light. I do have a couple spots on the front glass that I almost didn't want to clean. And some on the overflow and such. Still pretty exciting!

No new stuff in the last while. I know, weird for me eh? Oh wait, I lied. I got a couple of frags from some friends in Powell River. Oh and theres a group order I'm getting in on. Of course I have no room so its all going to someone else's house in the meanwhile until we move. The last house deal collapsed so we're hoping to get going on another one pretty soon. Looks like we may be moving early July now. Maybe.

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