Monday, May 04, 2009


I'm sure I made another post in between the last one and this one. Oh well, not sure where it went.

The clams are healing nicely at the LFS I'll give them a couple more weeks before I try introducing them back into my tank. I don't think there will be a problem but who knows.

The dosing pump is working out wonderfully, I was having a bit of a problem with low alkalinity (around 6.8 I wanted 8.4) and it was steadily dropping so I baked up a new batch. I think the previous batch I baked and then left out overnight. Likely it sucked up some humidity from the air and maybe went back to being sodium bicarbonate instead of sodium carbonate. Anyway I've got it all fixed up and alk is at about 7.4 calcium at 400 and well, the magnesium is over 1500. Its been that way for a couple of weeks now. Which I suppose is a bit high but... I've got coralline algae!!!! I haven't had coralline algae in like 2 years! I'm totally stoked. Little pink dots on the glass. Whee!!

And in other news, I'm tank of the month on Canreef. I'm a moderator there and I run the TOTM so its mostly by default as I've always made myself or one of the mods the backup when another one falls through. Nice to showcase my tank though :) Check it out!

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