Saturday, August 02, 2008

So according to my potassium test kit, I think my potassium levels are hovering aroung 350. They could really be on either side of that, I haven't quite figured out the trick to reading the test, its pretty vague. I can look at it 10 times and get a different reading each time. Someone suggested taking a photo and scoping it out that way, I think it would be just as vague only you'd have a record of the vagueness :P

I'm using a new product from Tailored Aquatics (I use their potassium as well)called Nitrate Destroyer. I'm into my 3rd week of dosing it. My nitrates really aren't all that bad (between 5 and 10ppm). Someone scoffed at me when I told them the numbers "heck even when you're zero the test can read that" but I'm still adding the stuff to see if I can get to zero. So far I haven't seen any major adjustment but I was told that it would take at least 3 weeks to start seeing the levels go down. The ultralith system doesn't seem to be doing squat to help with the levels of nitrate so I figured I had better do something about it myself.

Speaking of Ultralith, I broke down and opened a new bottle of UltraBio so I guess I'm continuing on with the system. I'm seeing some pretty nice colors in the tank, although I'm not attributing it to ultralith as stuff is just starting to look half decent after the big brownout. I've also bought some zeovit stuff too. You know that saying "don't mess with a good thing". Yeah bollocks to that I say. So I'm trying out Pohls coral vitalizer and Coral Snow. I've been reading about the coral vitalizer for ages and well now I'm finally getting to try it. I put some of both in my tank starting yesterday (4ml coral snow, 4 drops CV) and well no instant results. The water does look pretty darn clear today though :)

Oh and I'm not sure if I posted about my pygmy hawkfish. I took him out of the nano, it was just a ridiculous algae fest in there, caulerpa all over the place, hair algae and flatworms, just a total plague. It was so difficult to feed him in there cuz they're not exactly hardcore feeders, they like to stalk their prey, and if it happens to land on the sandbed before they get it, well its worm food. Suffice it to say the algae certainly was happy with all the nutrients. Anyhoo, I took the hawkfish out and put him in the main tank. Granted he's a small fish and well, they're pretty cryptic at the best of times but I managed to catch a glimpse of him giving me the hairy eyeball last week after I thought perhaps he had croaked. Tonight as I type this I can see he's hanging out right out front by the front glass, getting bolder it seems. Only took 3 weeks :P

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