Friday, June 27, 2008

So the epic shipment was part of a group order that myself and two other people took part of. I took receipt of the shipment and held stuff in my tank until the other people could pick it up. When they came I gave them a bunch of other frags I had made inadvertently and some that needed to be clipped or I had doubles of, including two pieces of M. capricornis. A couple hours after she left she messaged me saying that she found montipora eating nudibranches on both pieces of cap and eggs to boot. WTF? I looked and looked and having never seen these things before had no idea really what I was looking for. I did see one little thing resembling one but it didn't move for days.

Then it moved.

And left eggs in its wake.

AAARRGGGHHH!! Cripes if it isn't one thing its another. Apparently the treatment is basically get them out of the tank into quarantine and treat them with potassium permanganate. But then you also have to scrape off every last piece of cap in the tank and god knows how long you have to leave the tank for before they either finish off any bits you missed or starve to death. What a pain in the arse. I have the potassium permanganate but I'm not sure if its really worth treating as I don't have a quarantine tank to put them in so basically I'd be potentially recontaminating them. Plus they're all nicely attached to the rock and boy would it be a pain in the arse trying to resettle them. I haven't really decided what I'm doing yet but guaranteed its going to be a bit of work.


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