Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I lost a little maxima clam today. Its been hiding itself under the big yellow cap for the last while and looked ok so I just left it under there as it was partially sticking out and still getting some light. I had moved it out before but it was really awkward to get to and I figured maybe it wanted to be under there. Turns out it didn't. It was an unresponsive shriveled yuck today. I was pretty sad as I wanted them to do well. The other one looks ok although its doing that hole in the bottom thing where it sucks all its insides inside. It should be fine but I moved it higher just in case its not getting enough light. It is responsive to movement as now the fish swim overtop of it and it has a little freak out. I'm hoping it anchors there so they won't topple if over. I don't really like having it on the rock as eventually it will get large and the rock its on isn't exactly huge (let alone stable) but hopefully I'll have a bigger tank by then so it will all work out ;)

My Royal Gramma is out today. Normally he's a belligerent little bugger and hides in the shadows under the two caps or under the tenuis (below the caps) thats his territory. He used to go over to the side glass on the right and have arguements with the other gramma that lived there (ie. his reflection) but he was getting quite excited about it so I stopped cleaning the glass on that side. My bangaii used to have little freak outs about that too. Fish are odd. Anyway, I never noticed how huge he is getting. He's easily 2 inches maybe 2.25 and I got him at only about an inch in April. Thats some pretty good growth for 9 months. I'm happy to say he's thriving nicely in the tank.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The site is looking good, Christy.

I imagine it's pretty unique, too. I don't know for sure but it seems to me that not many people would log the goings on in their tank in this way. That's pretty cool!

Sorry about your clam. Oddly enough I was an unresponsive shriveled yuck this morning too.
