Saturday, August 04, 2007

You know, I must say, the tank is looking damned good these days. I'm quite impressed. Not with myself really because despite my efforts the stuff in the tank still does whatever the hell it wants to and I never know what I've done right or wrong.

I finally think I have the reactor on track. Calcium is holding steady at 375. I'd like it to be a bit higher so I put some turbo calcium in there to get it up to 400. Hopefully it will stay at that. I've been having some problems maintaining my bubble count, I think the needle valve works its way shut or something. Anyway, I tried cranking up the pressure a bit (flow rate on the regulator) and we'll see if this works. I guess my last ditch effort will be taping the needle valve control to the rest of the regulator.

I added a neon goby to the tank. He's a captive bred one from ORA, quite chubby looking. I think he had a bit of trouble with the amount of flow in the tank. Its not like they're the kind of fish to hang out in turbulent waters. I would imagine he'll get much leaner and stronger over the coming months if he ever comes out of his hidey hole. Hopefully he gets out and does some cleaning action on some of the fish. Not that they have any parasites but it would be nice if I knew he was interested in doing it. After all, he ain't in there just for looks ;)

My powder blue tang is doing excellent in the tank, he still has a bit of lumpy gut but I think its mostly because he's still kind of small and hasn't truly filled out yet. He gets in there and eats his share of mysis but is still a bit reluctant to have a go at the nori feeder as the scopas and regal get quite excitable when nori is presented. Heck, I think they watch me through the glass and start to whip themselves into a frenzy when they know its coming. Its pretty funny to watch.

I got another pink table frag as the last one croaked during the heat wave. This to me is one of the "ultimate" corals. I just love it and if I could bring the whole colony home I swear I would. One of those times when I wish I wasn't as sps addicted as I am. There is just no room for any larger colonies (or just plain colonies for that matter) in the tank. Its pretty sad actually, if anything in this tank grows too much I am screwed :P

Nano report: So last week I powerwashed all the rock and let the chips fall where they may. I cranked up the powerwasher to full bore and had a go at the hydroids. They melted like butter, muahahaha. Put the rock back in the tank and its good to go. I would imagine I lost most of the bristleworms but they're a PITA anyways and I've been reseeding the tank with brittle stars from the main tank. I found a really neat orange hermit crab at OA so he's currently the only resident. I put the surviving zoos back in and they're looking pretty good so far. The tank is pretty sparse but I guess I'll leave it alone to recoup. At least its looking nice and clean (well except for the "grey" sandbed, so typical :P). An added bonus, the algae that was on the back wall has disappeared, not sure if its because of all the water changes I've been doing or the fact that there is no livestock to fuel it. Either way, yay! I can actually see coralline!

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