Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pics or Post?

Post it is! Mostly because I'm too damned lazy to go through all the rigamarole to post pics.  So whats new? Well I've removed the carbon altogether as what I suspect is HLLE is still progressing in the regal tang. I have no idea what the problem is but I recently started dosing vitamin C after hearing good things about it. Although, I also heard good things about selcon and HLLE and I've gone through 2 bottles with nothing happening.  I'll keep it up though, as who knows what the dealio is and I have the bottle here.

The bellus angel is in the display tank now and doing great! She fits right in with everyone although still a bit timid when I feed nori, but who can blame her, everyone gets so ridiculously nuts during feeding its hard to get in there.  She gets her turn when I feed the rest of the tank, which is a little more broadcast fed than stuff hanging on the nori feeder.

So because I've removed the carbon, the cyano is back. No idea if the two are actually related or just coincidental so I'll let the cyano build up some, then put some carbon on there and see what happens. I love little experiments like that :P

Other than that, the corals are doing well, really coloring up now since I added the ROX carbon and changed out the bulbs. I guess I'll never really know if it was the carbon or the bulbs that did it. I suspect a combination of both probably.

Anyway, thats about it. I'll try to get some pics up one of these days :)

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