Sunday, March 28, 2010

March Update (long)

Well its been a busy month.  I've installed an auto top-off with a float valve that came with my Aquatronica controller. Previously I used a trusty horse trough float valve that I replaced yearly.  The system I had previously was pretty simple and was just gravity fed. I probably could have done that again but I used the sump from the 90gal as a topoff container and didn't feel like getting it drilled.  So the new system uses a powerhead that is controlled by the Aquatronica.

The tank is covered in green slime algae and some sort of hairy version of cyano. It didn't take long to set in, about a week after I moved the tank over. It started out bubbly but the more flow I applied, the more tenacious it gets. Everything looks a bit sludgy. Oh and I have flatworms.  And red bugs.  I was going to make a snide comment here but I think Murphy is listening.

I bought some N/P Biopellets to try. Everyone is raving about how fabulous they are and a few people have reported cyano disappearing after a short while with them so I'm hoping that gets the job done for mine.  I bought a phosban 550 reactor to run them in. I must say, its designed for Phosban and Phosban only. I'm surprised the TLF people were so short sighted when they designed it.  Anyway, I've modified it some to make it more "appropriate" for my applications.  As well, the amount of flow that it requires to make the biopellets move in the reactor seems to be quite a bit more than people are reporting using the MR1 or Vertex reactors (they're using a MJ1200) so as I couldn't find a decent pump locally I built a manifold that splits flow off my Dart pump and it works like a charm. I've also got two empty spots on my Aquatronica power bar now as both the biopellet reactor and carbon reactor run off the manifold. Sweet! :)  Anyway, I just finally got it all organized yesterday so hopefully the biopellets work quickly.

I have some new fish. A new lavender tang, cleaner wrasse and orange shoulder tang.  I really wanted a lavender tang and when a much healthier (read bigger and fatter) one arrived at the LFS I couldn't pass it up.  He was a bit shy at first but now motors around the tank like he owns it. Of course about a week later, bot the regal and the lavender both had "cloudy" eyes and some white spots. Out came the garlic and I stunk up the basement.  Over the course of the week, their eyes cleared up and there were just a few spots on the lavender and then almost overnight he was just covered. And I was out of garlic.It was going really well and there were just a few spots and then whammo! like the next morning he was covered.  I sort of had a little freak out as I haven't really dealt much with ick. The tank did have a pretty bad case of it a number of years ago but I had a little neon goby that worked like a demon to clean the fish. Neon gobies are few and far between around here it seems so...I bought a cleaner wrasse.  I know, I shouldn't have.  It took a few days but the fish are all clean as whistles. And the cleaner wrasse does have a go at mysis but I think they're too big for him so I'll have to try a few different things.

Last week I bought an orange shoulder tang (told you I've been busy). I neglected to do my research on this one. The store got one in a few weeks ago, he was in transition and still had his yellow juvenile colors. Fat, healthy, I should have bought him. By the time I went back, of course he was gone. The store got one in the next week and immediately put it in their display tank. He was gorgeous, full adult colors and spectacular.  Finally last week they got 2 in, learning my lesson from the little lavender (what can I say, I love little fish), I chose the larger one.  After putting him in the tank, the lavender immediately went after him.  It wasn't until they both went racing by that I clued in. They're both Acanthurus! D'oh!   We're on day 3 here and things are calming down. They're not fast friends yet but the orange shoulder is out from under the rocks and eating and picking at things. Which is a good sign. Every once in awhile the two of them go roaring by, I think with time they'll probably be ok (I hope!).

Lastly, I bought a used Vortech MP40 gen 1.  The price was right and I wanted it to go on the left hand bottom back corner of the tank where the Tunze 6045 was.  I couldn't stand the cord coming out of that side of the tank, it looked terrible in the photos.  This one isn't wireless and it chatters like nobodys business if you ramp it up past 50% so I keep it tuned low.  I think the bearings in the dry side are on their way out.  The wet side needs to be replaced too as its the old magnet.  Eventually I'll get around to it.

Other lastly :P  The clams are back in the tank. I picked them up from the LFS a couple of weeks ago, didn't take long for the snacking to resume. Wouldn't you know it, it was the regal after all. Little bugger.  He only likes croceas though. He's left the teardrop maxima and a blue maxima alone.  The damage isn't as bad as it was the last time though and the clams are already healing.  I'm also feeding him 3x a day which is probably helping. He's a greedy bugger.

I put some new photos in the photo gallery and new FTS in the full tank shots tab. Have a look :)


Anonymous said...

You'll want to add a facebook button to your blog. I just bookmarked this article, although I had to complete it manually. Simply my $.02 :)

- Robson

Christy said...

Thanks for the info, never even thought about it. Hopefully I've got it figured out now :)