Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy New Year! The tank is looking pretty good these days. Over the holidays (Dec 24 to Jan 3) a few corals have grown, some haven't, some have colored up even more, and a couple have gone to brown. Specifically my pink pocillipora. It seems to have wavered between "sort of" pink and brown over the last year or so. I do think it did better on the ultralith than on zeo. The blues are perking up nicely though.

So of course I brought back some stuff from my vacation as we were visiting relatives in Calgary so we stopped in at Red Coral Aquariums. I bought an Euroreef RS250 from them for the new tank and some more ushio bulbs (they were a killer deal) so when I went in to pick the stuff up of course I just had to buy some livestock :P Here are some pics:

The clams are tipped over as they had a bit of various algaes on them and of course the tangs were right in there to nip it off. I've since righted them and notice as I'm posting this that the maxima is once again on its side, silly thing.


Anonymous said...

Dang, girl! Nice pickups!

How's the Euroreef treating ya so far?

Christy said...

Haven't set up the RS250 but my CS6-2 rocks my world. The RS250 will go on the 180 when we get a bigger house (soon I hope). I can't wait to see it in action!!

Anonymous said...

Cool beans! I am sure you'll LOVE it.

What's that in the last pic? Blastos?

Christy said...

Yeah its a really unusually colored blasto. I waslked by it about 3 times and kept coming back to it. The guy gave it to me for a steal as it had lost a polyp or two but was trying to come back. I hope it does well, it will look pretty awesome once it fills out that rock :)

Anonymous said...

Outstanding. I bet the rock will be covered in no time.

I am jealous of your pickups. Well done!

Look forward to more pics, and seeing the tank grow!

Christy said...

Thanks! I appreciate the compliments :)