Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The tank is back to brown, I've lost a ton of color in most everything. LPS are still hanging in there, the red blastomussa isn't looking so great but its alive. Both my purple and tan colored cap (right hand side) look like the polyps have bailed out and are bleached. Most other things the polyps are out but they've lost a ton of color. I'm not sure what is going on. I had to stop ultralith while I was away for 4 days last weekend, then I was home for 4 and gone for 3. If this is what happens when you quit ultralith cold turkey I'm not sure if I'm interested in continuing.

The temperature hit 86F on the 13th (and it wasn't even a hot day) so I cranked up the chiller to get it down. I'm not sure if it was lowered too quickly or what. Things were looking crappy before the 13th its just continued downwards since then. But temperature-wise, everything has been hunky dory. Other than the ultralith stoppage I'm not sure whats going on. I'll have to do some testing I suppose. Not sure what I'm testing for though.

I did slack off on my waterchanges for the past few weeks or so. I have one ready to go for tomorrow so perhaps I'll just pick up the pace on those and do them weekly once again and hope for positive results.

Edit: Ok so I tested for nitrates (between 10 and 20ppm, not good. Definite waterchange tomorrow!!). Calcium, Magnesium and Alkalinity were fine. Guess its up to that waterchange to save the day.

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