Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Haven't treated for the red bugs yet as I'm only home for a partial day between Christmas visiting one province to the next (whee!). I got a generator for Christmas though and I'm so stoked!! Likely we won't see another winter storm all season (not that we get very many power outages here though) but its still peace of mind if nothing else. I've been wanting one for awhile and well, I just haven't been able to justify the purchase, seeing as how well, we hardly ever have power outages (knock on wood) but now I have one so there!

So I thought the STN was slowing in my tank but that certainly isn't the case as yet another colony is on its way out. Not sure whats going on in the tank and I've never lost larger colonies to red bugs before. I'm sure theres always a first but it still seems odd.

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