The STN I'm experiencing in the tank is definitely alkalinity related as once again the CO2 rate took a nosedive sometime this week and STN is all over the map. Its fallen to about 7.7 from 9.3. Not sure how this drop could affect them so drastically but then I've never kept a really close eye on my alkalinity before so who knows.
Of course that doesn't stop me from adding things to the tank. Its true what they say, reefing is an addiction. Its gotten worse over this past year. Stuff dies, oh bummer. Hey cool! I can buy more stuff! Sad really.
Anyway, I got a new clam. I've been wanting a blue maxima clam for ages but the stores only seem to be getting those tiny 2" ones in and I'm a bit leery as I'm not sure whether they need to be fed still at that stage. Some say yes, some say no. I'm not really willing to tie myself to feeding it constantly and if it does indeed need to bed, I highly doubt I could provide the nourishment it requires as they need constant food. Anyway, I bought a blue crocea instead :p Its quite gorgeous and the photo doesn't quite doe it justice as it has a very vibrant iridescent blue quality to it. Its a bit small, not any smaller than other clams I've had but I didn't realize how much the others had grown!! Crazy!
Still on the topic of clams but switching a little. I can't believe how many friggin vermetid snails I have in the tank. Previously I only had one (that I knew of) that was living in my yellow capricornis. There must have been two and now they've made babies that are EVERYWHERE. Theres little nets cast all over the tank and I must say its rather unsightly. I think I might have to look into either removing them manually, or finding something chemical/pharmeceutical that might do them in. I had read somewhere about something to treat the tank with, but I'll have to look into it further. Still on the topic of clams, I noticed my gold maxima is sporting not one, but two of the damned things and it just doesn't open as much. I can see some minor surgery might be required here. Looking closely at that pic, I see three heads, and those are the ones I can see without moving the mantle. Yep definite surgery.
update: there were 6, count 'em SIX!! of those little bastard vermetids on that clam! Brutal!!
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