Saturday, June 09, 2007

Well in my absence the tank decided to grow some sort of brown snotty algae. Sort of like what I used to get after I killed a lot of caulerpa. I suppose there was some sort of nutrient spike perhaps? I'm not sure. The majority of the "snot" part is gone but there is still lots on the back glass and the wavebox as you can see in this pic.

I was pretty worried about the powder blue, with them being pretty touchy fish and all but he's settled in quite well, hanging out with everyone. I'm so happy, he's even pretty fat looking actually, he's constantly grazing the rocks and such and doesn't quite get in there for his share of mysis but he gets stray bits here and there. He's not quite sure what nori is all about, he knows that the other fish are eating something and wants to get in there to have his share, but isn't really all that impressed with the taste of it (who can blame him, yuck!). He still has a ways to go until he really thickens up as he's still got a bit of what I call "lumpy gut" (ie. cuz he just ate, not cuz he is nice and fat).

As for the ultralith system progress report, I don't really have much to say. At this point, I'm not really all that impressed, I *know* what it can do but it certainly ain't doin it in my tank. I'll give it some more time though, maybe a miracle will happen ;)

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